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Game Shelf


Game Shelf is a Web App that allows you to search for games and get information about them. It uses the RAWG Video Games Database API to get the data.

  • Vue
  • Pinia
  • Axios
  • SASS

Omni Food


Start-up static web page called Omni Food. Assigment from "Build Responsive Real-World Websites" course.

  • HTML
  • CSS



Start-up static web page called snap - Find remote work with responsive design. Challange from Frontend Mentor that I expanded on, in the chalange was included only the Hero Section design.

  • HTML
  • CSS

Audio-video Processing


Windows application that allows the user to load video or audio files and apply different operations to them, like gamma correction, etc. On the video part the operations can be applied to a ROI (Region of Interest). All the features will be listed on GitHub.

  • C#
  • EmguCV
  • NAudio

Paint clone


Paint clone is a Windows application with the base functionality and some more tools from myself. Written in C# and putting an emphasis on OOP.

  • C#
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